
Traditional Musical Instruments In Aceh Part 1

1. Arbab This instrument consists of 2 part, namely Arbab its self (as parent instrument) and Bow (as stryk stock) in local language called as Go Arab. This instrument uses material such as: coconut shell, goat skin, wood and string. Arbab music ever evolved in the areas of Pidie, Aceh Besar and West Aceh. Arbab is showcased on the popular crowd events, such as recreation, night market, etc. Now, this instrument has never encountered this art, it is estimated that already extinct. Finally this art can be seen during the reign of the Dutch and Japanese occupation. 2. Bangsi Alas Bangsi Alas is a kind of bamboo wind instruments that were found in Alas, Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara. Traditionally makind Bangsi connected with there are people died in the village where Bangsi made. If known there was a person who dead, Bangsi which has ready made accidentally washed away to the river. Having followed continued until Bangsi was taken by the children, then Bangsi which have taken by the children...

Biography of Alexander Bain

Alexander Bain, a Scottish clock and instrument maker, invented the first electrical clock, patented the basics of facsimile, developed chemical telegraph receivers and punch-tapes to speed up telegraph transmission. He was an all-round inventor and technician who later installed the first telegraph lines alongside the railway between Edinburgh and Glasgow. A plaque to Alexander Bain in Wick Alexander Bain and his twin sister Margaret were born in October 1811 of humble parents near Watten, between Thurso and Wick in Caithness, at the extreme north of Scotland. Their dad was a crofter, and he had six sisters and six brothers. They grew up in a remote stone cottage at Leanmore, a few miles north of Wick. The vast expanse of peaty countryside has only occasional scattered cottages, and the Bain house, close to a small wood, became a sheep byre, and is now little more than an outline of low stonewalls. In the winter Sandy walked a mile or two to school in Backlass; in the summer h...

Biography of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor's degree. During his stay at the Patent Office, and in his spare time, he produced much of his remarkable work and in 1908 he was appointed Privatdozent in Berne. In 1909 he became Professor Extraordinary at Zurich, in 1911 Professor of Theoretical Physics at Prague, returning to Zurich in the following year to fill a similar post. In 1914 he was appointed Director of the...

Jaipong Dance

Jaipongan is the art of dance that was born from the creativity of an artist from Bandung , Gugum Gumbira. It was inspired by the pop art , one of them is Tapak Tilu, he became know and recognize the pattern of step of Kliningan or Bajidoran or Ketuk Tilu dance. Until he can develop a dance or art which is now in the know with the name Jaipongan . His first Jaipong creation has known by people are “ Daun Pulus Keser Bojong” and “Rendeng Bojong”, both of tahem are kind of women dance and couple dance. Firstly, this dance considered as an erotic and vulgar dance, but the longer, this dance being more popular and began to increase the frequency of the show both in television and celebration which organized by Government or private parties. From this Jaipong creation nascent some professional dancer such as Tati Saleh, Yeti Mamat, Eli Somali, dan Pepen Dedi Kirniadi. The presence of Jaipongan dance has contributed greatly to the lovers dance more active to discover...

Biography of Alan G. MacDiarmid

A lan MacDiarmid, co-discoverer of the field of conducting polymers, more commonly known as “synthetic metals,” was the chemist responsible in 1977 for the chemical and electrochemical doping of polyacetylene, (CH)x, the “prototype” conducting polymer, and the “rediscovery” of polyaniline, now the foremost industrial conducting polymer. Alan G. MacDiarmid shared a Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Dr. Alan J. Heeger and Dr. Hideki Shirakawa. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the prize to the three for the discovery and development of conductive polymers. Alan G. MacDiarmid (born April 14, 1927; mother, Ruby and father, Archibald MacDiarmid ) grew up in New Zealand, and received his Ph.D. at University of Wisconsin 1953 and at University of Cambridge, UK, 1955. He was associate professor at University of Pennsylvania 1956 and received a professorship there 1964. Since 1988 he is Blanchard Professor of Chemistry. In 1973, he began research on (SN)x, an unusual polymeric material ...

Biography of Al-Farghani

Abu’l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathir al-Farghani, born in Farghana, Transoxiana, was one of the most distinguished astronomers in the service of al-Mamun and his successors. He wrote "Elements of Astronomy " (Kitab fi al-Harakat al-Samawiya wa Jawami Ilm al-Nujum i.e. the book on celestial motion and thorough science of the stars), which was translated into Latin in the 12th century and exerted great influence upon European astronomy before Regiomontanus. He accepted Ptolemy’s theory and value of the precession, but thought that it affected not only the stars but also the planets. He determined the diameter of the earth to be 6,500 miles, and found the greatest distances and also the diameters of the planets. Al-Farghani’s activities extended to engineering. According to Ibn Tughri Birdi, he supervised the construction of the Great Nilometer at al-Fustat (old Cairo). It was completed in 861, the year in which the Caliph al-Mutawakkil, who ordered the construction, ...

Biography of Adolf Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe

G erman chemist, generally regarded as the founder of modern organic chemistry with his synthesis of acetic acid (ethanoic acid) – an organic compound – from inorganic starting materials. He was first to apply electrolysis to organic synthesis. Kolbe electrolysis of fatty (alkanoic) acids was the first known electrochemical synthesis. Kolbe was a German chemist. He was born near Gottingen and educated there. Kolbe studied for three years (1838-42) with Friedrich Wohler, and then served as an assistant of Robert Wilhelm Bunsen at the University of Marburg in 1842. After one year in Marburg, Kolbe obtained his PhD for work originally begun under Wohler’s direction. Kolbe remained as Bunsen’s assistant for a total of three years (1842-45). He spent 2 years (1845-46) at the London School of Mines, England, being an assistant to Lyon Playfair. From 1847 to 1851 Kolbe was engaged in editing the Handworterbuch der reinen und angewandten Chemie ( Dictionary of Pure and Applied Chemistry) w...