
Showing posts from March, 2010

Museum Victoria 1854 Student Scholarships

Museum Victoria 1854 Student Scholarships Commemorating the establishment of the Museum in 1854, the 1854 Student Scholarships aim to: Increase awareness of Museum Victoria’s research in the university community; Train students in fields relevant to Museum Victoria; Provide opportunities for developing partnerships between Museum Victoria and universities; and Enhance Museum Victoria’s collections. Eligibility Applicants must be undertaking an Honours, Masters or PhD research project related to Museum Victoria’s collections, or in association with a Museum researcher. Information about the Museum’s collections can be found at . Award Scholarships of between $500 and $1,500 will be awarded in the fields of Natural Sciences, Australian History & Technology, and Indigenous Cultures. Applications Applications should be no more than two A4 pages in length (12 point font), detailing the project,...


Hai ALL.... Nama Gw Pebri Antoni Sagala tapi lo semua bisa manggil gw "ant" atau "Ebbi" atau Pebri. Wuih nama panggilan gw aj lumayan banyak yah..hehe Oia ini blog gw yang baru, yah walau dulu pernah punya dan gw dah lupa sama passwordnya jadi gw buat lagi dah,,hehe Gw mahasiswa IPB jurusan Ekonomi Sumber Daya dan Lingkungan atau biasa disingkat ESL , oia sekedar info aja yah jurusan gw ini the one and only di Indonesia lho..hehe agak sedikit sombong neh,,hahaha Oia Jurusan gw ini ngebahas tentang ekonomi tapi dilihat dari aspek lingkungannya juga lho... Sekarang gw ngekos di Bogor dan pulang ke rumah setiap hari Sabtu,,, Rumah gw berada di Ciputat,,,hehe kalo ada yang berminat main silahan yah tapi bawa makanan oke,,haha hm...mungkin perkenalannya segini dulu aja kali yah,,, See you di postingan gw berikutnya,,,,